Prayer Wall

Pray for each other.

We believe God hears us and answers our prayers.

Instead of prayer being seen as a checklist for God, let’s focus on encountering God’s presence in prayer! He wants us to spend time with Him and build a relationship. We can then, share our heart desires and requests to Him.

The below prayer wall is a tool we can use to pray for each other! We aren’t to bare burdens alone, so we invite you to use this wall to lift up other’s requests and share your needs as well. Together, our church can grow in unity and strength in our prayer life.

As a bonus, the individual requesting prayer can see each time their need is prayer for, again encouraging each other in this prayer journey.

I prayed for this

Prayed for 19 times.

Shandry Bullock

Prayers for the Breast Cancer Support Group that will have the first meeting April 4th and the 1st and 3rd Thursdays at 6:30pm. Pray that those who could benefit from this group will become aware of the group availability.

Received: March 28, 2024

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